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Showing posts from May, 2019

Digital Artist

Jeszika Le Vye Jeszika Le Vye is an maginative realist. She loves   philosophical and psychological   themes. She always painting landscape of the chareces.She is very famaus . She  create their own realities for better or worse.     She is also hard at work creating her own series of books, “From Dark Expanse, the Stars” a series of illustrated stories themed around Egyptian Mythology.                                                                                                                                               


This link is my website. (wix), If you link this you can see my website and this website about my major project and I have  a lot butteflies on my website. enjoy my website. my major project name is 'The Dream Of Butterflies'...


'Red Lover' This is my red butterfly and I am editing in pixlr firstly I choosen thıs picture because I am red lover that's why this butterfly very important for me I always use the pixlr for my major project and when put my butterflies pictures and I start to edit my pictures and thıs my screenshot from the my computer and thıs screen about when I was doing thıs butterfly I using a lot details and effect and spmething like that . I edit same more five same butterfly and also I wanted edit small points . I prefer to black . Thıs butterfly including just two color (red&black) this is the last view my Red Lover butterfly .


                                    MY BLOG BUDDY; EBITIMI IMOMOTEBEGHA                                 HELLO!!! she is my blog buddy. Today we are going to give feedback each other and she is amazing. and I think everyone have to check her blog ; she loves food. She is making food everytime. You can find information about food in her blog

final piece

Firstly , all people use phone and it is very important our life because always needs phone its has a lots property.we had a lot of ideas about it because we thought about it .I had the idea about this as a particular phone addict and I have presented ideas for the phone which is more convenient to people. It wasn't so hard to find the name royalti because I thought we should join our names and I think a beautiful name appeared the quality of the photos we take the comfort of our hands many photomontage found many sources and the internet has helped us a lot in my opinion If we put on sale we will make a lot of money